Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So, I just wanted to let you all know that if you google "wiping someone else's bum" my site comes up #2 !

It's a proud, proud moment, my friends!


Anna said...


Krazy Kat Lady said...

Actually now it comes up as #1. Which leads to this question: why did you google that to begin with? :)

kimbop said...

Hi, so I was compelled to do exactly that and also read the entry that is now #2 (ha! pun most certainly intended) about variations in how nurses do it to patients in the hospital. This would have been bad enough under any circumstance but as it happens I had just taken a bite of Raisin Bran Crunch and had to continue chewing as I read...

Jenny Henny said...

Kimbop - that is very funny!
Kat Lady, google analytics showed that someone found my blog by typing that in, so of course I had to type it to see what would happen!

gosling_dad said...

Ok, so I tried the "wiping someone elses bum" Google and I am not going tell you what kind of an interesting adult site I got as the first one....maybe I have to put my parental control switch on.